Adding gifts
For Portal Administrators (the role includes the permission to manage the gift shop, read more about rights and roles in the system in the following article - Roles in the system) on the Gift shop page, the Gift store management button is displayed to go to the page for creating/editing gifts and viewing purchase statistics.
The Gifts page displays a list of all gifts created in the system and data about them - name, date of creation, value in bonuses, available, number of purchases (1), with the ability to sort and filter by table, as well as a tool for creating new ones:
(2) - switching to the gift creation page;
(3) - switching to editing a gift;
(4) - viewing purchase statistics;
(5) - removing a gift.
To add a gift, you need to click the Add button on the Gifts page and fill in the required fields on the Adding a gift page:
- Title (1) is a mandatory field for a short name;
- Description (2) - optional field displayed when viewing the Gift Shop page;
- Cost in bonuses (3) - a mandatory field for specifying the number of local currency bonuses required to purchase a gift;
- Available quantity (4) - a mandatory field for specifying the available quantity of this gift;
- Publish (5) - a checkbox for publishing the gift (publication is enabled by default), which makes it available for purchase;
- Image for gift (6) - upload a picture (product cover).
If no image is selected for the product, the system will use the default image.
When editing the cost or available quantity of a gift, the editing page will display a history of changes, which will indicate the date of the edit and the name of the user who made the changes.