LMS Collaborator knowledge base


LMS Collaborator - is an LMS system that works on the basis of RESTful API technology.


You can use our API to perform export/import of information to Collaborator, other commands, and create integrations with external programs.

The Collaborator RESTful API Reference Guide is available at https://your-domain-adress/api/v2/doc/, where you can find a list of possible ones and their descriptions.


The API uses pagination to split large datasets into smaller parts. Each GET request that returns a list of data has an object with two fields: data and pager. The pager field contains information about the pages:

  “data": [], // Array with data
  “pager": {
    “current": 1, // Current page
    “count": 3, // Number of pages
    “total": 22, // Total number of records
    “countPerPage": 10, // Number of records per page

To navigate between pages, use the page parameter in the request, for example:

GET /api/v2/users/list?page=2&count=10
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