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API – Create a checklist task

To create a task for the checklist, send PUT request to URI

  • The body of the request must contain a JSON object with the parameters of the task.
  • The request must contain the following headings Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 и Authorization: Bearer xxxxxx.

Request example:

curl -X PUT 'https://your-domain.davintoo.com/api/rest.php/tasks' --data-raw '{"type":"check-list","element_id":197,"title":"Mentor's evaluation of the newcomer","description":"","tags":["стажування"],"threshold":85,"has_exact_time":"true","time_start":"","time_finish":"","date_range":["2022-05-13", "2022-05-20"],"date_start":"2022-05-13","date_finish":"2022-05-20","not_block_after_expiration":true,"allow_comments":true,"reminder_enabled":true,"evaluate_type":"evaluates-tutor"}'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxx'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

Field Parameter description
type Task type
element_id checklist id
title Task title
description Task description
tags Tags
threshold Completion threshold, in %
date_start Task start date
date_finish Task completion date
not_block_after_expiration Do not close access after the deadline
allow_comments Allow commenting
reminder_enabled Enable reminders
evaluate_type Evaluation mode (evaluates-tutor - tutor evaluation, self_esteem - self-esteem)


In case of successful request (HTTP response code - 200), there will be reply in JSON format with information about created task.

In case of error (HTTP response code - 400) it returns JSON object with error information:
{"title":{"required":"Field cannot be empty"}}

Additional settings for the checklist task

Selection of the questionnaire assignment mode

After creating the task for the checklist, you need to select the questionnaire assignment mode. To do this, you need to send a PUT request to the URI https://your-domain.davintoo.com/api/rest.php/task-check-list-settings/{taskId}, where the body of the request should contain a JSON object with the assign_mode parameter (manually - Manually, organization_structure_chiefs - Manager according to the organizational structure).

Request example:

curl -X PUT 'https://your-domain.davintoo.com/api/rest.php/task-check-list-settings/34423' --data-raw '{"assign_mode":"organization_structure_chiefs"}'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxx'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

Enabling the option "Show checklist evaluation results to assessed users"

If a task with a checklist is evaluated by a tutor and the option "Show checklist evaluation results to assessed users" must be enabled it is necessary to send PUT request to URI
https://your-domain.davintoo.com/api/rest.php/task-check-list-settings/{{taskId}}, where in the body of the request should be JSON object show_result_to_user

Request example:

curl -X PUT 'https://your-domain.davintoo.com/api/rest.php/task-check-list-settings/34423' --data-raw '{"show_result_to_user":true}'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxx'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

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