Competence groups
On the Competency library page you can see, that all competencies belong to a certain group (1). Grouping of competencies helps to systematize them into separate blocks by content, position, department, etc.
You can add a competency to a specific group or leave it out of the groups on the competency creation/editing page:
When clicking on the button (2), a list of all competence groups opens.
In the table of competence groups, you can see Group title (1) and Creation date (2). You can search and sort by these fields, as well as reset the filters with a button (3).
To create a new group, you need to click the button (4). A new row with the name (5) open for editing will be added to the table, after which you need to save changes using button (6).
Group names can be edited using button (7). You can also delete the group (8).
Competence groups in Position profiles
When creating or editing Position profile, you need to select competencies, that will characterize this position. For convenience, you can use the filter by competence group (1). Then only the competencies belonging to the selected group will be displayed.
In the list of competencies selected for this profile, grouping also takes place. Under the group title (2) there is a list of competencies that belong to this group and were selected for the position profile. Competencies that do not belong to any of the groups are located in the Without a group (3) block.
Just like the order of the competencies themselves, the order of the groups can be adjusted using the up and down buttons (4). You can delete an entire group with the button (5).
Competence groups in Position profiles on the User profile page
In the user profile you can see the section Position profile. In the "Competencies level" block, competencies are displayed by groups. Competencies that are outside of groups are displayed in the "Without a group" block.
Competence groups in Assessment passing
When passing the Assessment by competence, the title of the group is displayed for each of the competencies, by which the assessment is carried out.