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Home/Development/External learning/Accepting request for external learning

Accepting request for external learning

Once a User has created a request for external learning, it is sent to the Administrator or Manager for review by their subordinates.

To moderate requests you need to go through:
Process Menu: Development - Management - Request for external learning.

Next, the Request for external learning page will open, containing:

(1) - The topic of learning - Subject of the request for external training.
(2) - User data: Name, Job title, City, Tags.
(3) - Status - status of the request: Waiting (pending), Accepted, Refused, Closed.
(4) - responsible officer.
(5) - date and time when the request was created by the User.
You can filter lists by all these parameters, as well as by some of them (increase/decrease or alphabetically).
(6) - Reset all filters.
(8) - User name, clicking on the user name will display the User card.
(9) - Review of the request
(10) - Delete the request
(11)- Setting of requests parameters. For details click here
(12) - Export to Ecxel - unload the displayed table to Ecxel.

To view the Requests for external training and change its status, you need to click on the title of "The topic of learning" (6) or the Review button (8).

Then the View Request page opens. If the request was previously in the Waiting status, you can Accept or Refuse the request by pressing the corresponding buttons.

Requests that do not require the attention of the Administrator, i.e. all necessary actions on them in the company have been made, can be transferred from the status of Accepted or Refused to the status Closed.

To do this, go to the View page of the request by clicking on the title "The topic of learning" (6) or the Preview button (8) and then click on the Close button.

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