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Home/Informing/News/Creating news

Creating news

To create news in the system you need on the News management (menu Information - News - News management) press the Add button.

Then fill in the required fields on the Add news page:

  • Topic (1)- news title;
  • Category (2) - select a news category from the list (find more in Creating types for news);
  • Text (3) - form the news text in a text editor;
  • Attached files (4) - uploading images and files for use in the editor;
  • Main image (5) - block for uploading the main image for the news;

Options block - adding a tag (6), specifying the date of publication (7) and the date of news display on the main page (8):

  • Published (7) - select the date of news publication;
  • Actual until (8) - select the date during which the news will be displayed on the main page to users. After the specified date expires, the news is moved to the archive.
  • Allow reactions (10) - allow users to leave reactions to the news (likes / dislikes).

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