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Catalog access groups

You can assign tasks by access level in the Catalog in the Task catalog management menu.
The menu is displayed for users who have a role with permission to edit Catalog Access Groups

By default, all tasks that were published by the administrator are available in the Catalog (Assign mode).
Task distribution is activated by the checkbox Use task access restrictions in Catalog


If the checkbox Use task access restrictions in Catalog is selected, all settings for creating, editing groups are available.

all - tasks are available to all users of the system
limited - tasks are available only for users with specified attributes (city, position, department, tags)

To add a new group, click on the button Add


Also, on the Task catalog management page, there is a button for setting up the display of data in the catalog. In particular, there is an option Keep applied filters when re-entering the page. If the option is enabled, the filters in the catalog that users have configured are saved until the next login and the catalog opens with the applied filters.

Creating Catalog access groups that are available to everyone

To create such an element, specify its:
(1) - title;
(2) - description - optional field;
(3) - checkbox "Available for everyone" - tasks will be available in the Catalog for all users of the system;
(4) - list of tasks;
(5) - saving button.


You can add tasks to a group by searching their list and performing the "Add" action. All already connected tasks will be displayed in the list first and the background of the list row will be highlighted for them. When searching you can use filters and sorting by name, type and tags. To delete a task from the group, use the "Remove" option.

Creating User restricted Catalog access groups

To create Knowledge base items restricted to groups of resources, you need to specify the following settings:
(1) - title;
(2) - description;
(3) - available for everyone;
(4) - levels of access - are defined by system user attributes (City, Position, Department, Tags). The Access Levels settings appear when the "Available for everyone" checkbox is unchecked.

Such items in the general list are displayed with a yellow label " Limited".
All specified resources in such items are available only for groups or individual users whose attributes (City, Position, Department, Tags) are identical to those specified in the settings.

Rules for Access levels settings, i.e. by user attributes:

  1. (City1 OR City2 OR ...) AND (Department1 OR Department2 OR ...) AND ( Position1 OR Position2 OR ...) AND ( Tag1 OR Tag2 OR ... )
  2. The option Any allows access for all attributes from the group, as well as for all possible new attributes added to the group

(5) - list of available tasks;
(6) - saving button.


Adding a task to a group when creating/editing a task

If the Use task access restrictions in Catalog option is enabled on the portal, you must define the task in a group when creating a task with the assignment mode through the catalog. Without belonging to an access group, the task cannot be created:

If you don't have a group yet, you can go from the task to the page of creating a new group.

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