Creating requests for external learning
To create a new external learning request, the user needs to go to the Development - Main -My requests for external learning menu.
On the page My requests for external learning click on the Create Request button:
Next, the Create a new request page will open, where you need to fill in the required fields and save. By default, this page looks as follows:
Please note. The ability to attach files to the request is available only if the corresponding option is enabled on the page for setting up external learning requests. Allowed file formats: jpg, png, jpeg, xls, xlsx, doc, docx, zip, rar, pdf
The portal administrator or the Manager can create a request form for external learning. Only the fields "The topic of learning" and "The purpose of training" are required and unchangeable. Find more in Setting options for external learning requests.
After the User has completed and saved the request, it is displayed:
- at the User's requests for external learning table (My requests for external learning).
- For the Administrator or Manager in relation to their subordinates. Find more in accepting request for external learning.