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Home/Content/Meetups/Meetup statuses

Meetup statuses

Changing the status of the assignment for the Meetup:

Not started - the user did not open the tasks after assignment;

Started - a task can only change from "not started" to "started" if the user has opened the task at least once. The status will change even if the user has opened the task before the date of the Meetup.

Completed - a meetup is transferred to the "Completed" status if the tutor assigns a grade for the user (curator assignment mode) or if the user assigns a grade to themselves (self-esteem mode). The grade must be higher than the passing threshold specified in the task.

Failed - a meetup passes to the "Failed" status if the curator assigns a grade for the user (grade mode - set by the curator) or if the user assigns a grade to themselves (self-esteem mode). The grade must be less than the completion threshold specified in the task.

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