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Home/Work processes/Work tasks/Templates of work tasks

Templates of work tasks

For tasks that have a similar wording or are standard and assigned to different employees with a certain frequency, you can create templates and create them using a template.

Button to switch to the templates list from Work task table:

The Work task templates page displays a table with a list of previously created templates:

(1) - template title, filter and sorting by this field are available;
(2) - template editing;
(3) - template removing;
(4) - new template creation.

After clicking on the Create button, the page for creating a new template opens, where you need to specify:

(1) - template title;
(2) - task description;
(3) - attached files;
(4) - course plan;
(5) - task priority;
(ะท6) - applying automation rule.

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