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Home/System settings/Notification templates/Checklist notification templates

Checklist notification templates

New questionnaire

The notification Tasks - The task has been assigned to a user is sent to the user after the first assignment of a checklist for evaluation by a curator or in self-evaluation mode.

The letter Checklist - New questionnaire shown below is sent to the respondent after assigning him a new questionnaire for evaluation by the curator in the already completed checklist (the task has the status "Completed").

E-mail Telegram / Viber / SMS / MS Teams / Slack
Variable Meaning
{{site.title}} The name of the portal in the message header
{{user.fullname}} Name of the user to whom the message is sent
{{task.link}} Task link
{{task.title}} Task title
{{task.date_start}} Task start date
{{task.date_finish}} Task finish date

You have been assessed on the checklist

Notification to the assessed user about the assessment issued by the curator. The letter is sent if, when creating the task-checklist, the option "show results of the evaluation by checklist to evaluated users" was enabled.

E-mail Telegram / Viber / SMS / MS Teams / Slack
Variable Meaning
{{site.title}} The name of the portal in the message header
{{user.fullname}} Name of the User to whom the message is sent
{{tutor.fullname}} Name of the User who graded the checklist
{{task.result}} The value of the assessment according to the checklist in percentage
{{task.link}} Task link
{{task.title}} Task title
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