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Home/System settings/Notification templates/Notification templates for News

Notification templates for News

News - New news

Notification to the user about the publication of news in the system. The message is sent after the appointment by the Administrator (find more in News assignment).

E-mail Telegram / Viber / SMS / MS Teams
Variable Value
{{user.phone}} User's phone number
{{user.photo_thumb}} User's photo thumbnail
{{user.patronymic}} User's patronymic
{{user.secondname}} User's last name
{{user.firstname}} User's first name
{{site.title}} Portal name in the message header
{{user.fullname}} Full name of the user receiving the message
{{site.title}} Name of the educational portal
{{post.title}} News title
{{post.url}} News link
{{post.short_body}} Part of the text
{{post.category}} News category name
{{user.department}} Department where the user works
{{user.position}} User's position
{{user.city}} User's city
{{user.email}} User's email address
{{user.is_online}} Indicator that the user is online
{{user.is_chief}} Indicator that the user is a chief
{{user.uid}} User's authorization token
{{user.id}} User's ID address
{{mail_settings_url}} Link to user settings
{{site.css}} Portal CSS styles
{{site.logo}} Company logo on the website
{{site.url}} Website link
{{site.domain}} Domain link
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