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Imported managers

Apart from managers by Orgstructure and functional managers, LMS Collaborator gives oportunity to import managers. This way, you can indicate direct managers, regardless of organizational structure, or indicate several managers.

For this, when importing a user, a certain attribute is used that indicates the id of the user who is his manager. After user importing, the manager star will be displayed near users, whose external uid or internal id were passed during import. Also, the user attribute user.position is ignored and doesn`t influence on stars displaying.

It is also necessary to enable the option Detected subordinates mode: By import value in System Settings => Policies => Subordinates. After this setting, the system won`t identify managers using Orgstructure and manager positions, and all positions are no longer divided into managers and subordinates.

For comparison, here is the distribution of manager role capabilities according to the Detected subordinates mode setting. When selecting By positions mapping mode:

Capability Managers by Orgstructure Functional managers
Manager star near user profile + -
Manage tasks of subordinates according to role permissions + +
Reports viewing + +
Assessment appointment + +
Checklists appointment + +
Viewing of the manager's MBO goals + +
Displaying the manager on the "Contacts" page + +
Receiving messages by templates + +
Birthday notifications and displaying in the "Today's Birthday" widget + +

When selecting By import value mode:

Capability Imported managers Functional managers
Manager star near user profile + -
Manage tasks of subordinates according to role permissions + +
Reports viewing + +
Assessment appointment + +
Checklists appointment + +
Viewing of the manager's MBO goals + +
Displaying the manager on the "Contacts" page + +
Receiving messages by templates + +
Birthday notifications and displaying in the "Today's Birthday" widget + +

When importing managers, it is possible to specify multiple managers for one user, as well as multiple subordinates for one manager. When importing from Active Directory or Azure AD, those systems have limitations — only one manager can be indicated in settings.

Instruction of manager importing using API request

  1. Set the settings Detected subordinates mode: By import value.

  2. Use the request POST /api/v2/users-import/single, where the body of the creation or updating subordinate request must contain a field with information about who his/her manager is:

"manager_uid": "external uid of manager user"
"manager_id": "internal id of subordinate user"

You can pass one or more managers into this field. Examples of multiple manager entries:

"manager_id": "27816, 27819, 27822"
"manager_uid": "ker1, ker2, ker3"

When passing manager_id and manager_uid at the same time, the priority has manager_id.

More information about importing users using API: API – User import

Instruction of manager importing using a CSV file

  1. Set the settings Detected subordinates mode: By import value.

  2. Add the Manager Uid field to the CSV file:

ID;Last name;First name;Middle name;Login;Email;Password;Birthdate;Gender (F-1, M-0);City;Department;Position;Tags;Phone;Status(0 - working, 1 - dismissed, 2 - maternity leave, 3 - sick leave);Employment date;Google Id;Work contacts;Date of current position assignment;department code;Additional field 1;Additional field  2;Additional field  3;JSON;Interface language (EN, UK, DE, ES, ET, TR, RU);Additional field  4;Additional field  5;role_id;Manager Uid
demo1;Johnson;Catherine; ;demo1;[email protected];123456;16.10.1988;1;New York;Sales Department;Sales manager;sales;671234567;;21.02.2015;;Working phone number.:222, Email: [email protected]; 20.03.2016;;;;;;;;;;ad123456,ad123457

You can specify several managers using comma. More information about importing using a CSV file: Synchronization users using CSV.

Instruction of manager importing using Active Directory

  1. Set the settings Detected subordinates mode: By import value.
  2. On the user creation/edit page in AD, in the Organization section, select Manager of the user. You can select only one manager (AD limitations).

More about integration settings find in article Integration with Active Directory.

Instruction of manager importing using Azure AD

  1. Set the settings Detected subordinates mode: By import value.
  2. In employee properties, in section Job Information set the user Manager. You can select only one manager (Azure AD limitations).

More about integration settings find in article Integration with Azure AD.

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