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Integration with Azure AD

Required fields

TenantId - How to find your Azure Active Directory tenant ID
ClientId - The client ID is the unique Application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the app was registered. You can find the Application (Client) ID in your Azure subscription by Azure AD => Enterprise applications => Application ID.
Secret - The client secret is the password of the service principal.

Optional fields

Fields map config - config for comparing fields from Azure AD to the system, default values (fields on the left in the system, fields on the right in Azure AD)


    "uid": "id",
    "secondname": "surname",
    "firstname": "givenName",
    "login": "userPrincipalName",
    "email": "mail",
    "city": "city",
    "department": "department",
    "position": "jobTitle",
    "phone": "mobilePhone",
    "date_of_employment": "employeeHireDate",
    "append_tags": "123dv"

Filter - Use the filter query parameter

Example, email filter:


Member of - in the field, you can specify the group ID from Azure AD.

Automatically synchronize

  1. Automatically synchronize users - if the option is enabled, you need to specify the time when the synchronization will occur daily.
  2. Automatically synchronize the organizational structure - if the option is enabled, you need to specify the time when the synchronization will occur daily.

You can set up synchronization several times a day if needed.
Please note that when setting the synchronization time, users must be imported first, then the structure must be imported.

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