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Home/Development/Requests for prof-development/Requests for career development

Requests for career development

Requests for career development are a tool that gives employees the opportunity to apply for professional development. The application is reviewed by the supervisor and the appropriate decision is made: approve the application or reject it if the employee does not meet the requirements of the category. Also, if approved, a personal development plan or a learning path can be assigned for this position.

This tool is located in the menu Development - Requests for career development

On the page with requests you can see:

  1. Table of submitted requests with their current statuses and other attributes
  2. Button for creating a new request template
  3. Button for unloading applications in the form of a table
  4. Applications from employees under review
  5. Statuses of applications
  6. Button for viewing the request
  7. Button for removing the request

Other articles on working with requests for career development:

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