Meetup report
To view the Meetups reports, go to Learning - Training reports - Meetups report.
You can use the following filters to select the right task:
- (1) - a filter for selecting the title of the Program where Meetups are used;
- (2) - a filter to select the title of the Meetup to search for tasks;
- (3) - the filter for selecting task titles.
The date the task was created and its Id number are displayed along with the title.
Next you will see a table with the users assigned to the task. Here available information about:
(4) - the users (avatar, first and last name, position, city, department, tags);
(5) - role in the task - Curator or Participant (more details in Assignment to the meetup);
(6) -the results of the task (status and result);
(7) - the Change button to set or change the grade.
After grading, the status is determined automatically according to the Completion Threshold in the task settings.
You can also Export the report to Excel (8).
The Export to Excel button is only available after the filters have been set.
An example of a meetup report in Excel format: