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Home/Users/User management/Email with login details

Email with login details

Letter with login data is sent automatically after user registration in the system:

  1. After import, if the template "User was added after import " is enabled. Read more here: Notification templates setting.
    An example of a letter can be found in the article Notification templates for Users
  2. After adding a profile manually, if after saving the profile the Administrator confirms sending the email on the page Users:

After refreshing the page, the message will disappear and it will be impossible to resend the letter.

The exception is if following requirements are met during import:

  1. The fake email is being changed to a valid one;
  2. The user has never signed in;
  3. The password not changed;
  4. The password in the import file is empty.

If these conditions are met, a random password will be automatically generated. It can be sent via the button Send E-mail with login details in the Users list (Menu: User Management - Users).

After the user has signed in or had their password changed, the button disappears.

An example of a letter can be found in the article Notification templates for Users. Template name: Users - User has been added after import.

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