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Home/Learning/Task management/Extend the task completion time for specific users

Extend the task completion time for specific users

In Collaborator, it is possible to extend the deadline for specific users who have not completed a task for valid reasons. This option is available for tasks with a due date of ...days since assigning and calendar period that do not have the Do not block access after expiration date checkbox selected.:

To extend the learning time, the user needs to access the Learning - Results - Training reports menu and select the required type of report:

Next, on the report page, click on the "Extend deadline" button. This button is displayed for users with the task completion status "not started" or "failed" and the completion period has expired:

After clicking on the button, a modal window will appear in which you need to specify the date and time of the new deadline:

After extending the learning period, the user will receive an email using the "Tasks - The deadline for the tasks was changed" template with the current completion date.

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