Organizational structure
Organizational Structure function is designed to store information about the structure of functional subordination of employees.
The organizational structure solves the following tasks:
- data storage of the organizational subdivision nesting structure;
- defining the position of employees in this structure;
- determining the manager - colleague - subordinate relationship.
Each subdivision of the organization is presented in the form of a folder . Each folder can contain another subordinate subdivision-folder or personnel of the current subdivision. The entire structure is presented as a folder tree.
You can move through the unit folders either by using the folder tree or by using the content viewing area on the right. Clicking on a folder name opens its contents in the viewing area.
While viewing the contents of a subdivision folder, you will see a list of employees. The director is marked with a star in the list. Their subordinates are all those who are in the same folder with them and in subfolders, if they do not have their personal director.
Clicking on a user's last name will open his data, where the " manager"-"colleague"-"subordinate" links will be displayed. These links are automatically determined depending on the location of employees in the Organizational structure departments and their positions.
How to create, configure and work with the Organizational Structure is discussed in more detail in the following sections:
- Working with the structure tree - creating and changing the Organizational structure, adding and changing employee data
- Cities, Positions, Departments - changing "Cities", "Departments", "Positions" lists
Functions connected with the Organizational Structure:
- Connections in structure
- Synchronization users using CSV - rules of importing users and automatic updating of attributes.
- 360-degree feedback in Collaborator
- Roles in the system - more about creating the Director role.
- Birthdays - Mailing lists by birthday are formed according to the configured structure
- Functional managers - allows to assign managers to users outside of the Organizational Structure.
- Imported managers - allows to import managers and establish Manager-Subordinate relationships already based on imported managers.