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Home/Users/Organizational structure management/Organizational structure

Organizational structure

Organizational Structure function is designed to store information about the structure of functional subordination of employees.

The organizational structure solves the following tasks:

  • data storage of the organizational subdivision nesting structure;
  • defining the position of employees in this structure;
  • determining the manager - colleague - subordinate relationship.

Each subdivision of the organization is presented in the form of a folder . Each folder can contain another subordinate subdivision-folder or personnel of the current subdivision. The entire structure is presented as a folder tree.


You can move through the unit folders either by using the folder tree or by using the content viewing area on the right. Clicking on a folder name opens its contents in the viewing area.

While viewing the contents of a subdivision folder, you will see a list of employees. The director is marked with a star in the list. Their subordinates are all those who are in the same folder with them and in subfolders, if they do not have their personal director.


Clicking on a user's last name will open his data, where the " manager"-"colleague"-"subordinate" links will be displayed. These links are automatically determined depending on the location of employees in the Organizational structure departments and their positions.

02-19-2021 lms.png

How to create, configure and work with the Organizational Structure is discussed in more detail in the following sections:

Functions connected with the Organizational Structure:

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