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Home/Content/Surveys/Types of questions in survey

Types of questions in survey

Single type questions

To go to the creation of questions, click the name of the desired survey on the Content - Surveys page and click .

Fields for creating a new question:
(1) - Type - Selecting the question type;
(2) - Question - question text editor;
(3) - Attached files - adding images for use in the editor;
(4) - Allow own answer - checkbox setting to allow you to add your own option when taking the survey
(5) - Variants of answer - By default, there are 4 possible answers. If you need more, you can add an unlimited number using the Add button;
(6) - editors for creating answer choices. Each answer choice has its own editor, as well as "Duplicate" and "Delete" buttons and drag and drop to change the sequence of answers.
(7) - button for saving a new question. There are options:

  • save and go to the list of questions
  • save and continue editing the current question
  • save and create a new question.


Multiple questions

To go to the creation of questions, click the name of the desired survey on the Content - Surveys page and click .

Fields for creating a new question:
(1) - Type - selecting the survey type;
(2) - Question - question text editor;
(3) - Attached files - adding images for use in the editor;
(4) - Allow own answer - checkbox setting to allow you to add your own option when taking the survey
(5) - Variants of answer - By default, there are 4 possible answers. If you need more, you can add an unlimited number using the Add button;
(6) - editors for creating answer choices. Each answer choice has its own editor, as well as "Duplicate" and "Delete" buttons and drag and drop to change the sequence of answers.
(7) - button for saving a new question. There are options:

  • save and go to the list of questions
  • save and continue editing the current question
  • save and create a new question.


Free-type questions

To go to the creation of questions, click the name of the desired survey on the Content - Surveys page and click .

Fields for creating a new question:
(1) - Type - selecting the survey type;
(2) - Question - question text editor;
(3) - Attached files - adding images for use in the editor;
(4) - button for saving a new question. There are options:

  • save and go to the list of questions
  • save and continue editing the current question
  • save and create a new question.


Scale score questions

To go to the creation of questions, click the name of the desired survey on the Content - Surveys page and click .

Fields for creating a new question:
(1) - Type - Selecting the survey type;
(2) - Scale - Setting the scale for the question (setting minus values is available);
(3) - Additional settings - The "can not answer" option. This option allows you to disregard the respondent's answer when calculating results.
(4) - Allow comments on the answer if the selected score is less than or equal to < indicate scale value>. The comment is optional to fill in when passing.
You can set up commenting only for low values or for all (if you set the value equal to the maximum value of the scale).
(5) - Question - question text editor;
(6) - Attached files - adding images for use in the editor;
(7) - Variants of answer - Adding new answer variants Add
(8) - editors for creating answer variants. Each answer variant has its own editor, as well as "Duplicate" and " Remove" buttons and drag and drop to change the sequence of answers.
(9) - button for saving a new question. There are options:

  • save and go to the list of questions
  • save and continue editing the current question
  • save and create a new question.

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