Evaluation report
Assessment results
To access assessment reports, you need to access the Assessment - Evaluation report menu:
The administrator can also access the evaluation report from Tasks table by clicking the Survey passing report button.
A page will open where all employees who are being evaluated are displayed. For each of them, you can see the status of filling out the questionnaires (find more in Observing an Assessment process) and the amount of scored points.
To proceed to a detailed analysis of the survey results, click on the Report button next to the desired employee.
The first page displays information about the employee. On the right is the report content with different types of analysis.
The second page contains an employee self-assessment report, which allows you to determine which qualities the employee considers to be his or her strengths and which are weaknesses. For each criterion, a scale with a score is displayed, and the overall result of the self-assessment for the group of criteria is displayed:
Gap analysis between self-estimation and assessment of others
Gap analysis between assessment and self-esteem is an analytical tool that clearly demonstrates how an employee's assessment by others differs from their own self-assessment.
Please note that this type of graphical analysis reflects the general opinion of others, without dividing them into supervisors, subordinates, and colleagues.
On the one hand, this greatly simplifies the perception of the diagrams, but to understand how the Employee was evaluated by representatives of each of the groups of his environment (for example, colleagues or subordinates), you will need to refer to the following sections of the report.
The gap analysis between the assessment and self-assessment is displayed for each criterion separately.
The "Difference" indicator is also calculated for each criterion. If the Employee has underestimated himself, i.e. the average assessment of others is higher than the self-assessment, the difference is displayed as a green plus sign, and if others assessed him on average lower than he assessed himself, the value will be negative and highlighted in red.
Gap analysis between assessment and norm
This section of the analytical part of the report includes two types of diagrams. Each of the core competencies is analyzed in two types of diagrams.
The first diagram shows the gap between the overall score of each employee competency 1 and the norm 2.
1 In this case, the total score is calculated as the average of the scores of all respondents, including the Employee's own score.
2 The norm can be either the average value for the company or the wishes of the company's management regarding the standards that employees should meet.
The graph shows the average score for each of their competencies with a signature of its value, the norm (red dot) and a signature of the gap value, negative or positive.
A positive gap means lagging behind the norm. From this diagram, you can draw a conclusion about which aspects of the Employee lags behind the requirements to the greatest extent. Don't be alarmed if the majority of gaps are positive: the norm should be high. Your task is to see the most severe deviations.
The second part contains several bar graphs, each of which compares in detail the assessment of each group of respondents, the Employee's self-esteem and the norm for this competency.
The main advantages of analyzing the gap between the assessment and the norm:
- You will identify the main weaknesses of the Employee that should be worked on first.
- You will find out in which competencies the Employee underestimates themselves, and in which, on the contrary, overestimates.
- Now you always have access to information about the preferences of the management regarding the professional qualities (norm) of the Employee.
Profile mark analysis by groups
This analysis involves building a visual "profile" of the employee in terms of each of the competencies.
Profile analysis is the most convenient way to find out for each core competency whether the Employee's self-esteem is lower than the assessment of any of the groups, which group, by how much and in how many competencies.
Matrix analysis self-estimation and assessment of others
In this case, we consider a pair of values of assessment—self-esteem for each competency. The assessment here refers to the arithmetic mean of the assessments of all survey participants, except for the Employee's own self-esteem.
The matrix is quite easy to use. The point is that each dot represents one of the Employee's competencies. And in this case, what matters is which cell of the matrix the dot is in.
It is considered that the upper right quarter of the matrix contains those strengths of employees that are known to them and their colleagues. It is recommended to support them, but attention should be paid to other competency groups first.
In the bottom left, the known weaknesses of the Employee are indicated. Should they be addressed? It all depends on the standard for each of these competencies dictated by their management, and how far the Employee falls short of it. In order to set priorities when working with this matrix, you will have to constantly refer to Gap analysis between assessment and norm).
Pay special attention to the competencies in the upper left quadrant. These are weaknesses (according to others) that the Employee does not recognize as such. The Employee should focus the majority of their attention on them when working on their professional effectiveness. Perhaps others have misunderstood something, perhaps they have made a mistake in giving him low marks for these competencies. But these people highly appreciated their other qualities, so they are capable of making an objective assessment.
Even if they are wrong, the Employee must understand that it is their perception, the way they see them. Since they will continue to work with them, it is they who must be convinced of their professional capabilities. If nothing else, they should work on these competencies.
The last quadrant is the bottom right. It contains the competencies that others have rated the Employee much higher than the Employee themselves. The competencies in this quadrant are the Employee's strengths that the Employee did not take into account, but were nevertheless noticed by their environment. Unfortunately, not all strengths unknown to the Employee can be noticed by other people at all. But those competencies that are visible in this cell are their resource, often a very valuable one, which they could use, but do not know about. Now the Employee can start to get additional efficiency from their abilities.
The main advantages of matrix analysis:
-The discrepancy between self-esteem and the assessments of others is clearly illustrated;
- In combination with Gap analysis between assessment and norm matrix analysis allows you to prioritize the Employee, determining which competencies to start working on first.
Comments on assessment
Often, when evaluating an employee, it is important to know the reasoning behind why a particular user has given a particular value. To do this, under each group of criteria, you can add comments to your answers. This field is displayed by default and during the evaluation task, the user can share their thoughts on the competence of a colleague, manager or subordinate in a particular issue and explain their position.
The comments left by users are displayed in the report in the Comments section. They can be viewed by the administrator who has access to the evaluation reports and, if enabled, by the manager and the employee being evaluated.
Export the evaluation report to Excel
For convenience, the evaluation report can be exported as an Excel spreadsheet. To do this, you need to go to the Report of the User and click on the Export to Excel button.
As a result, all data from the report is exported in full, along with comments and basic user information. In Excel, reports from different analysis methods will be displayed on separate sheets.