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Automatic recalculation of the results of tasks with limited deadlines

For all incomplete tasks with a limited time limit, the results are automatically recalculated after the deadline.
Recalculation of results operates for these types of tasks:

  • Learning program
  • Course
  • Resource
  • Workshop
  • Quiz
  • Complex quiz
  • Meetups
  • Webinars

If a task of this type is not completed (no Completed or Failed status) , the system will automatically recalculate the results according to the current percentage of passing and determine the final result for the task.

  1. All overdue tasks with Not started status after recalculation remain in the Not started status.

  2. For all overdue tasks with statusesIn progress and Started the result is determined by the percentage of passing. The result depends on the task settings - the specified Completion threshold, the selection of the Task evaluation mode, etc.

    • If Completion threshold in a task is 0%, then all started tasks switch to the Completed status, if the completion threshold in the task is more than 0%, then the automatic recalculation compares the percentage gained to this threshold and based on this sets the Completed or Failed result.
    • The choice of Task evaluation mode - the result of the last attempt or the best result among all attempts - determines which of the attempts will be counted in the recalculation.
    • All SCORM tasks from In progress status will be recalculated to Failed regardless of the Completion threshold. The previous attempt is not saved, i.e. you cannot continue passing SCORM after autocompletion. Passing SCORM after recalculation is a new attempt at the first task.
    • Recalculation of course tasks depending on the Completion threshold and Course settings (by final quizzing, by average points, % of successful passing). All unstarted items switch to the Completed status, if their completion threshold is 0% or Completed and Failed if the Completion threshold is greater than 0% (depending on the percentage earned)
    • Recalculation for programs is the same as for items in a course, depending on the completion thresholds you have set. For courses within a program, the result also depends on the Completion threshold and Course settings. Recalculation results all scores for the course and for all elements of the course.
  3. All overdue tasks with Checking is awaited status after recalculation remain in the
    Checking is awaited status. The status will change to Completed or Failed after checking the free answers for quizzes/complex quizzes or scoring for a workshop. If such an unchecked quiz, complex quiz, or workshop is part of a course or program, all other items in the course or program are recalculated by the percentages scored and completed, and the items waiting to be checked remain in the status of Checking is awaited. Their status, as well as the status of the course or program is completed after checking all the elements.

  4. For meetups in tasks - by the date of completion of the task at 00:00

  • Tasks with Not started status - remain in Not started status
  • Meetup with In progress status (+ regardless of the completion threshold) - switches to Failed status

For meetups in the program - recalculation at 00:00 on the date of completion of the program

  • Meetup with Not started status (+ regardless of the completion threshold) - switches to Failed status
  • Meetup with In progress status (+ regardless of the completion threshold) - switches to Failed status
  1. Webinars - autocompletion works after the end time of the task (specified as the date and time of the end of the web in the settings of the task) + 30 additional minutes
    For webinars in tasks and as part of the program status change works the same way

Not started - the user did not open the webinar task, the user did not open the webinar to view in the program
Started - the user opened the task and read the information about the webinar, and it is the same with webinars in the program
In progress - the user opened the webinar and went to the webinar room during the webinar at least once (provided that the webinar has not yet been timed out)
Completed - switching from In progress status after autocompletion

Failed - switching from Not started and Started status after autocompletion

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