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Home/Reports/Learning reports/Programs report

Programs report

You can read about all the features of the training programs in the following page Programs in Collaborator.

To view reports on training programs, go to Learning - Programs report.

Filters above the table are used to select the desired program:

  • (1) - filter with a list of names of all programs used in the tasks
  • (2) - the filter becomes available after selecting the name of the program, displays the names of the task, where the program used, also displays the time of creation of this task and the id number.

The report table shows a list of all the users assigned to tasks. The table has the ability to filter and sort the list (3).

All tasks that are added to the program are displayed as separate fields (4), for each of them you can see the result of passing in percentage.
There is also an option Export to Excel (5) - download the file with the report in xls format.


For all elements of the program a tooltip appears when you hover your cursor over the result.
The tooltip displays:

  • Resource title
  • The date of completion of the item
  • Passing threshold (at the moment of passing the element)
  • Completion status


When you click on the result of an element of the program opens the report page for this element (report on the course, quiz, resource, etc.).

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