LMS Collaborator knowledge base



Create resourse-page

For a Page type resource, the main editing tool is the WYSIWYG editor (1). It allows the user to create text resources of any complexity. You can also make changes to the resource content at any time. A number of buttons are provided for creating and editing resources to edit text and insert resources, videos, links, tables, templates and so on. These tools are sufficient to prepare information in a professional manner.

It is also possible to use the TinyMCE editor when creating a resource page:

Use the Upload files (2) button to upload files from your computer.

You can specify a Category (3) for resources immediately when creating or editing them. See Resource categories for more information on creating and using categories for resources.
It is also possible to define resource access for group or all system users right away. For this purpose you need to use Access to Knowledge Base (4) block. You can read more about Knowledge base settings and usage in Using the Knowledge base. You can select one or more access groups.

Inserting a video clip from YouTube or another website using embed code

Use the Insert embed code button to insert the frame code offered by YouTube into the page. For example:


But in order for the video to fit correctly on all types of screens, the frame width setting must be changed: width="100%"

The resulting code is:

<iframe width="100%" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/r5lDpCUSZcQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This is what the result will look like at different screen sizes:

Inserting resources created on the system

While creating new page resources, you can use other resources previously created in the system. Resources such as Gallery, Video, Audio and HTML site are available for insertion. Click Select Resource button in the editor to open the menu. In the Select resource window you will see the entire list of published resources video, audio, galleries, HTML sites. If the desired resource is not in the list, you can use the search that works by resource name and description or tabs by resource type.


After inserting the resources, the resource icon appears in the editor. For example, an HTML website has been added to the resource page.


When viewing a resource, a text page opens with the resource inserted.


Inserting images

Uploaded images should be inserted into the resource page using the Select image button:

Clicking the button opens a window for selecting an image from the uploaded ones. Select the one you want to insert and press the "Insert" button. The picture will be inserted in place of the cursor:

Settings for editing inserted images:


You can set the width of the image in pixels.
The default option for images is 'Expand'. This means that when you view a resource by clicking on an image, it opens in a larger size.


The portal administrator can view the Resource, i.e. see in advance how it will be displayed to the User.
To do this, it is enough to click on the name of the Resource in the resource table (menu: Resource Management - Resources).

Resource preview page:

(1) - Resource Name
(2) - Print (available by default for all resource pages. If necessary, you can disable the print function for resources on the portal - the action is performed by Technical Support upon request)
(3) - Back - button to return to the previous page of the portal.
(4) - Edit - go to the Resource editing page.
(5) -About resource: Updated, Author, Category, Tags.
(6) - Full screen mode - the ability to view the contents of the Resource in full screen. (The button is not displayed for very short resources, with a height of less than 200px).

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