Creating tasks-resources
To create a task using resources you need to:
(1) - select Task type - Resource;
(2) - select a published Resource from the drop-down list;
(3) - specify Title for the task (for convenience, the name of the selected resource is automatically pulled into this field, but it can be changed);
(4) - add Description for the task, optional field (if the selected resource has a description, it is automatically pulled into this field);
(5) - Allow commenting checkbox adds the ability to comment on the task;
(6) - select a Tag for the task;
(7) - Enable reminders - including additional reminders about the task (find more in Tasks Reminder);
(8) - Completion threshold determines what percentage of the resource review should be sufficient to pass the task as successful;
(9) - add a Badge for completing the task (find more in Badges)
(10) - add a Certificate for completing the task (find more in Certifications)
(11) - specify the number of points for the task;
(12) - limit the deadline for the task (find more in Task duration)
(13) - select the assign mode (find more in Assign mode)
(14) - Use in personal development plans - option allows you to use this task in personal development plans. If this option is not enabled, the task cannot be assigned to users in the PDP.
To save the task with the selected parameters, press Save.